1. ACI Committee 207, Mass concrete (ACI 207.1R-96), American concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Michigan, Vol. 37, P. 29 1996
2. ACI Committee 233, Slag Cement in concrete and mortar, ACI 233R-03, American concrete institute, Farmington Hills, Michigan, 2003
3. ASTM C191–18a, Standard Test Methods for Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Needle, ASTM International West Conshohocken, PA, www.astm.org, 2018
4. ASTM C 989, American Society for testing and Materials, Standard specification for slag cement for use in concrete and mortars, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA United States, www.astm.org, 2016
5. ASTM C109 "Standard test method for compressive strength of hydraulic cement mortars (Using 50-mm Cube Specimens)