1. JP. ANSART, V. CHARI, D. SIMON, "From formal description to automated implementation using PDIL", Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification, III, North Holland, 1983, H. Rudin — C. West Editors.
2. JP. ANSART, "Refinement — From specification to implementation — Issues and tools for protocol specification", Advanced Course on Distributed Systems, Inst. Informatik, Univ. of Muchen, April 1984.
3. JM. AYACHE, JP. COURTIAT, "LC/1, A specification and implementation language for protocols", Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification, III, North Holland, 1983, H. Rudin — C. West Editors.
4. JM. AYACHE, JP. COURTIAT, M. DIAZ, "REBUS: a fault-tolerant distributed system for industrial real time control", IEEE T.C., Special Issue on Fault-Tolerant Computing, Juillet 1982.
5. P. AZEMA, B. BERTHOMIEU, P. DECITRE, "The design and validation by Petri nets of a mechanism for the invocation of remote servers", Proc. of IFIP Congress, Melbourne, Octobre 1980.