Associations Between Personality and Mental Health Among Royal Canadian Mounted Police Cadets


Andrews Katie L.ORCID,Jamshidi LalehORCID,Nisbet JolanORCID,Afifi Tracie O.ORCID,Sauer-Zavala ShannonORCID,Kratzig Gregory P.ORCID,Teckchandani Taylor A.ORCID,Neary J. PatrickORCID,Carleton R. NicholasORCID


AbstractRoyal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) report frequent exposures to diverse potentially psychological traumatic events (PPTEs) that can lead to symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health disorders. Personality traits may partially inform the substantial mental health challenges reported by serving RCMP. The current study examines associations between HEXACO personality factor and facet-level dimensions and mental health disorders of RCMP cadets starting the Cadet Training Program (CTP). RCMP cadets (n = 772) starting the CTP self-reported sociodemographics, personality, and mental health disorder symptoms. Emotionality was associated with MDD, GAD, and SAD (AORs ranged from 6.23 to 10.22). Extraversion and Agreeableness were inversely associated with MDD, GAD, and SAD (AORs ranged from 0.0159 to 0.43), whereas Openness to Experience was inversely associated with SAD (AOR = 0.36). Several facet-level personality dimensions were associated with mental health disorders. Inconsistent differences were observed between men and women for relationships between personality factors, facets, and positive screenings for mental disorders. The relationship patterns allude to possible risk and resilience factors associated with personality factors and facets. Early training, interventions, and resources tailored to cadet personality factors and facets might reduce risk and bolster mental health resilience.


Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Government of Canada

Minsitry of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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