1. Bennett, G. F., and C. T. Philipp, 1986, Industrial wastewater pretreatment, water conservation/product recovery/pollution abatement: Toledo, OH, The University of Toledo.
2. Biener, J. A., April 1979, The Grand Rapids experience—pretreatment goals reached through cooperative efforts: Plating and Surface Finishing, p. 18–22.
3. Dyer, J. C., and N. A. Mignone, 1983, Handbook of industrial residues: Park Ridge, NJ, Noyes Publications.
4. Dyer, J. C., A. S. Vernick, and H. D. Feiler, 1981, Handbook of Industrial Wastes Pretreatment: New York, NY, Garland STP Press.
5. Engineering Science, Inc., April 1987, CMA/EPA five plant study; Report prepared for the Chemical Manufacturers Association (cited by Loehr).