1. I. D. Sommerville, P. Grieveson and J. Taylor, Ironmaking Steelmaking, 1 (1980) 25.
2. K. Upadhya, I. D. Sommerville and P. Grieveson, Ironmaking Steelmaking, 1 (1980) 33.
3. P. Grieveson and E. T. Turkdogan, Trans. Met. Soc. (AIME), 230 (1964) 1609.
4. F. Tsukihashi, K. Kato, K. Otsuka, and T. Soma, Trans. ISIJ, 22 (1982) 688.
5. S. Ban-Ya, Y. Iguchi and T. Nagasaka, Trans. ISIJ, 23 (1983) B197.