1. D. L. Berman, K teorii interpoljacii (On the theory of interpolation),Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 163 (1965), 551–554.MR 33: 4530
2. D. L. Berman, On the theory of interpolation,Soviet Math. Dokl. 6 (1965), 954–948.
3. D. L. Berman, Vsjudu rashodjaščiisja rasširennyi interpoljacionnyi process Èrmita—Feiera (An everywhere divergent extended Hermite—Fejér interpolation process),Izv. Vysš. Učebn. Zaved. Matematika 1975/9, 84–87.MR 55: 10904
4. D. L. Berman, Issledovanie interpoljacionnogo processa Èrmita—Feiera (A study of the process of the Hermite—Fejér interpolation),Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 187 (1969), 241–244.MR 40: 3127
5. D. L. Berman, A study of the process of the Hermite—Fejér interpolation,Soviet Math. Dokl. 10 (1969), 813–816.