1. Sommerfeld, A.: Z. Physik47, 1 (1928)
2. We shall omit detailed literature in many body theory. For instance, seeQuantum Theory of Many-Particle Systems, Fetter, Alexander L. and Wolecka, John Dirk, New York: McGraw Hill Book Co. 1971. For the grand partition method used in this paper see, Montroll, E. W. and Ward, J. C.: Phys. Fluids1, 55 (1959). Isihara, A.:Statistical Phys., New York: Academic Press 1971, Chapter 10. Tsai, J. T., Wadati, M., and Isihara, A.: Phys. Rev. A4, 1219 (1971)
3. Gell-Mann, Murray and Brueckner, K. A.: Phys. Rev.106, 364 (1957)
4. DuBois, D. F.: Ann. Phys. (N.Y.)8, 24 (1959). See also, Ninham, B.:ibid 28, 220 (1964)
5. Tsai, J. T., Isihara, A.: Phys. kondens. Materie14, 200 (1972)