1. Fujii K, Ishimoto S, Mugitani T, Minami Y. Present status and prospects of JAXA’s research on future space transportation system [C]// 18th AIAA/3AF International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference. Tours, France: AIAA, 2012: AIAA-2012–5849.
2. Valton P, Hameury M S, Dutheil J P. LOX/methane re-usable propulsion system development with implementation of concurrent engineering [C]// 65th International Astronautical Congress. Toronto, Canada: IAC. 2014: IAC–14, C4, 1×25370.
3. Smith T D, Klem M D, Fisher K L. Propulsion risk reduction activities for nontoxic cryogenic propulsion [C]// Space 2010 Conference and Exposition. Anaheim, California: AIAA, 2010: AIAA–2010–8680.
4. Plachta D W, Johnson W L, Feller J R. Cryogenic boil-off reduction system testing [C]// 50th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference. Cleveland, OH: AIAA: 2014: AIAA–2014–3579.
5. Olansen J B, Munday S R, Devolites J L. Project morpheus: Lander technology development [C]// 50th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference. Cleveland, OH: AIAA: 2014: AIAA–2014–4314.