1. G. V. Raynor: The Equilibrium Diagram of the System Copper-Zinc. Annotated Equilibrium Diagrams, No. 3 (1944) Inst. Metals, London.
2. Metals Handbook (1948) p. 901. Cleveland. A.S.M.
3. R. T. Howard and Morris Cohen: Quantitative Metallography by Point-Counting and Lineal Analysis. Trans. AIME (1947) 172, pp. 413–426; Metals Technology (August 1947).
4. Albert Sauveur: Trans. AIME (1896) 26, pp. 863–906.
5. Heyn: Ztsch. anorg. allgem. Chemie (1904) 39, p. 1; (1907) 52, p. 129.