A series acceleration algorithm for the gamma-Pareto (type I) convolution and related functions of interest for pharmacokinetics


Wesolowski Carl A.ORCID,Alcorn Jane,Tucker Geoffrey T.


Abstract The gamma-Pareto type I convolution (GPC type I) distribution, which has a power function tail, was recently shown to describe the disposition kinetics of metformin in dogs precisely and better than sums of exponentials. However, this had very long run times and lost precision for its functional values at long times following intravenous injection. An accelerated algorithm and its computer code is now presented comprising two separate routines for short and long times and which, when applied to the dog data, completes in approximately 3 min per case. The new algorithm is a more practical research tool. Potential pharmacokinetic applications are discussed. Graphic abstract


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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