1. M. Jeandin, B. Fieux andJ. P. Trottier, Proceedings of the 1980 International Powder Metallurgy Conference, Modern Developments in Powder Metallurgy, edited by H. H. Hausner, Vol. 14 (MPIF/APMI, Princeton, 1981) p. 65.
2. M. Jeandin, Th�se de Docteur-Ing�nieur, Ecole des Mines de Paris (1981).
3. C. H. Symonds andF. A. Thompson, Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of the AGARD Structures and Materials Panel, AGARD, no. 200 (1976) P3?1.
4. C. E. Shamblen, R. E. Allen andF. E. Walker,Met. Trans. 6A (1975) 2073.
5. J. E. Coyne, W. H. Couts, C. C. Chen andR. P. Roehm, Proceedings of the 1980 Powder Metallurgy and Superalloys, Metal Powder Report, Vol. 1 (MPR Publishing Services Ltd., Shrewsbury, 1980) p. 11.