1. G. I. Fuks, in: Summaries of Papers and Communications in 2nd All-Union School on the Colloid Chemistry of Petroleum and Petroleum Products [in Russian], TsNIITéneftekhim, Moscow (1981).
2. Z. I, Syunyaev, Petroleum Disperse Systems [in Russian], I. M, Gubkin Moscow Institute of the Petrochemical and Gas Industry (1981).
3. I. L. Markhasin Physicochemical Mechanics of the Petroleum Reservoir [in Russian], Nedra, Moscow (1977).
4. Z. I. Syunyaev, in: Summaries of Papers from 1st All-Union Conference on Colloid Chemistry and Physicochemical Mechanics, Section A-D [in Russian], Nauka i Tekhnika, Minsk (1977), pp. 240?241.
5. A Brief Introduction to Asphalt and Some of its Uses, The Asphalt Institute, Manual Series No. 5 (MS-5), 7th edn. (September 1974), p. 74.