Condylar alterations and facial growth in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis


Cedströmer Anna-Lena,Andlin-Sobocki Anna,Abbu Nadjwan,Hedenberg-Magnusson Britt,Dahlström Lars,Berntson LillemorORCID


Abstract Purpose The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate facial growth in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) by means of lateral head cephalometric radiographs and relate the findings to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) condylar changes on panoramic radiographs. Methods Radiographic and medical records were evaluated in 65 children with JIA. Cephalometric and panoramic analyses were performed for the impact of condylar changes on facial growth. We compared children with condylar alterations, minor or major, with those without condylar alterations. Results Based on panoramic radiographs, no condylar alterations were seen in 27 of the 65 children and condylar alterations were seen in 38 children (i.e., 23 had minor and 15 major condylar alterations). The cephalometric analyses of the children with condylar changes showed significant growth disturbances with a more retrognathic mandible (SNB; p = 0.03), retruded chin position (SNPog; p = 0.02), larger mandibular angulation (ML/NSL; p = 0.009) and maxillary angulation (NL/NSL; p = 0.03) compared with children without condylar alterations. Children with minor condylar alterations had a significantly more retruded chin position (SNPog) than those with no condylar changes (p = 0.04). Conclusions Condylar changes in the TMJ, judged on panoramic radiography, in children with JIA, have impact on craniofacial growth. Even minor alterations seem to have an impact.


Uppsala University


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Oral Surgery,Orthodontics

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