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2. Danilov, V.N., Investigation of Computer Model of Acoustic Channel in a Flaw Detector for a Plane Reflector,Defektoskopiya, 1997, no. 1, pp. 12–24.
3. Danilov, V.N., Calculations for the Acoustic Channel in a Flaw Detector with a Combined Tilted Transducer,Defektoskopiya, 1998, no. 8, pp. 28–39.
4. Danilov, V.N. and Izofantova, N. Yu., Effect of Parameters of Driving and Detecting Electric Circuits for Direct Transducers on Characteristics of Detected Signals,Defektoskopiya, 1997, no. 1, pp. 25–31.
5. Danilov, V.N., Izofantova, N. Yu., and Voronkov, V.A., Comparison between Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Operation of Direct Combined Transducers,Defektoskopiya, 1997, no. 6, pp. 39–49.