1. Acquisitions and Mergers (1985) Tactics, Techniques, and Recent Developments, Practising Law Institute, New York.
2. Bonissone, P. and Decker, K. (1985), Selecting uncertainty calculi and granularity: an experiment in trading-off precision and complexity, in the Proc. Workshop on Uncertainty and Probability in Artificial Intelligence, UCLA, Los Angeles California.
3. L. Kanal and J. Lemmer (eds.), Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1986, pp. 217?247.
4. Bonissone, P. (1986), Summarizing and propagating uncertain information with triangular norms, in Lee S. Baumann, (ed.) Proc. Expert Systems Workshop, pp. 62?71, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Science Applications International Corporation, Pacific Grove, California. Also in Internat. J. Approximate Reasoning 1, 71?101 (1987).
5. Bonissone, P., Gans, S. and Decker, K. (1987) RUM: A layered architecture for reasoning with uncertainty, in the Proc. 1987 International Joint Conference of Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 87), Milan, Italy, pp. 891?898, Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA.