1. AWWA Water Quality Division: 1970, JAWWA 62, 127.
2. Bentley, E. M.: 1969, ?The Effects of Marshes on Water Quality?, Ph.D. Dissertation, Water Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
3. Brezonik, P. L. and Federico, A.: 1975, ?Effects of Backpumping from Agricultural Drainage Canals on Water Quality in Lake Okeechobee?, State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation Technical Series, Vol. 1, No. 1.
4. Cowen, W. F. and Lee, G.F.,: 1976, ?Algal Nutrient Availability and Limitation in Lake Ontario During IFYGL. Part I. Available Phosphorus in Urban Runoff and Lake Ontario Tributary Waters?, U.S. EPA-600/3-76-094a.
5. Davis, F. E. and Marshall, M. L.: 1975, ?Chemical and Biological Investigations of Lake Okeechobee, January 1973?June 1974?, Interim Report Tech. Report No. 75-1, Central and Southern Flood Control District, West Palm Beach, Florida.