1. Arthur Andersen & Co.: 1987, ?National Commission on Fradulent Financial Reporting, Summary of Recommendations?,Accounting News Briefs (Supplement, April/May), 4.
2. Axline, L. L.: 1991, ?Bottom Line on Ethics?,CGA Magazine 25, 24?30.
3. Berton, L.: 1991, ?Trap Doors and Trojan Horses?,World (KPMG Peat Marwick magazine), 48.
4. Briloff, A. J.: 1991, ?Ethics and Accounting Education?,Presentation Before the Canadian Academic Accounting Association, Queen's University, Kingston, Ont. (June 7).
5. Cohen, J. and R. Turner: 1990, ?Ethics and Professionalism: The CPA in Industry?,The CPA Journal (April).