1. Handbook of mathematical functions, edited by M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun, Dover publications, N.Y., 1965, chapter 23.
2. C. Hermite,Sur la formule d'interpolation de Lagrange, Œuvres, Gauthiers Villars, Paris, 1912, vol. 3, p. 432–443.
3. B. L. Ehle,High order A-stable methods for the numerical solution of systems of D.E.'s, BIT 8, 276–278 (1968).
4. Theory and applications of spline functions, edited by T. N. E. Greville, Academic Press, New York-London, 1969.
5. T. Håvie,Derivation of explicit expressions for the error terms in the ordinary and the modified Romberg algorithms, BIT 9, 18–29 (1969).