1. Šesták B., Kroupa F., Libovický S.: Czech. J. Phys.B12 (1962), 369.
2. A brief reference to this paper is made in the general report by Keh A. S., Weissmann S.: Deformation Substructure in Body Centered Cubic Metals, Conference on the Impact of Transmission Electron Microscopy on Theories of the Strength of Crystals, University of California, July 1961.
3. Libovický S.: Čs. čas. fys.A 11 (1961), 493 (in Czech).
4. Šesták B.: Hutnické listy14 (1959), 223 (in Czech).
5. Šesták B., Libovický S.: Czech. J. Phys.B 11 (1961), 444.