1. Brandt, S. (1950). Quoted by Ford, F. R..
2. Clark, D. B. (1959) in Nelson's Text book of Pediatrics, p. 1099.W. B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia.
3. Ford, F. R. (1960). Disease of the Nervous System in Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence. p. 301.Charles C. Thomas, Springfield.
4. Geiler, G. and Geiler, G. (1962). The morphology, nosological place and pathogenesis of the amyotonia congenita of Oppenheim and Werdnig Hoffmann's progressive spinal muscular atrophy of infants.Virchow's Arch. Path. Anat. 335: 654.
5. Green, M. and Schotland, M. (1960). Myaesthenia gravis in the newborn.Pediatrics,26: 101.