1. Bighley L, Giesing D: Mechanism of action studies of sucralfate, in Caspary W (ed): Duodenal Ulcer. Gastric Ulcer: Sucralfale. a New Therapeutic Concept. Munich, Urban &0026; Schwarzenberg, 1981, pp 3–12. Early thoughts as to the mechanisms of action of sucralfate.
2. Hollander D, Tarnawski A, Gergely H, et al: Sucralfate protection of the gastric mucosa agalnst ethanol-induced injury: A prostaglandin-mediated process? Scan J Gastroenterol
19:97–102, 1984.
3. Hollander D, Tarnawski A, Krause WJ, et al: The protective effect of sucralfate agalnst alcohol-induced gastric mucosal injury in the rat. Macroscopic, histologic, ultrastructural and functional time sequence analysis. Gastroenterology
88:366–374, 1985.
4. Tarnawski A, Hollander D, Krause WJ, et al: Does sucralfate affect the normal gastric mucosa? Histologic, ultrastructural and functional assessment. Gastroenterology
90:893–905, 1986.
5. Tarnawski A, Hollander D, Stachura J, et al: Effect of sucralfate on the normal human gastric mucosa. Endoscopic, histological and ultrastructural assessment. Scand J Gastroenterol
22:111–123, 1987. References 2–5 explored the mechanisms of sucralfate interaction with the normal and ulcerated gastric mucosa and sucralfate’s cytoprotective mechanisms.