1. G. Carraro, M. Domenici, andT. Zucca, ?Physics of non-crystalline solids? (North-Holland Publ. Co., Amsterdam, 1965) p. 152.
2. D. L. Evans andS. V. King,Nature 212 (1966) 1354.
3. G. Carraro andM. Domenici, VII Int. Congress on Glass, Bruxelles June?July, 1965.
4. E. A. Poraj-Koshits, Proceeding of a Conference on the Structure of Glass, Leningrad 1953 (English Translation Consultants Bureau Inc., New York, 1958) p. 25.
5. H. A. Levy, P. A. Agron, M. A. Bredig, andM. D. Danford,Ann. N Y Acad. Sci. 19 (1960) 762.