1. Gordon W. Allport. 1954. “The Historical Background of Modern Social Psychology.” InHandbook of Social Psychology (3–56), ed. Gardner Lindzey. Cambridge: Addison-Wesley.
2. Cantril, Albert H.,ed. 1988.Psychology, Humanism, and Scientific Inquiry: The Selected Essays of Hadley Cantril. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.
3. Cantril, Hadley.The Invasion from Mars. 2005. New Brunswick, NJ, Transaction Publishers. Originally published by Princeton University Press (1940).
4. ___.The Psychology of Social Movements. 2002. New Brunswick, NJ, Transaction Publishers. Originally published by Wiley & Sons (1941).
5. ___.The “Why” of Man’s Experience. 1950. New York: Macmillan.