1. 1904.Harker, A. —The Tertiary Igneous Rocks of Skye. Memoir Geological Survey, Great Britain.
2. 1924.Bailey, E. B., Clough, C. T., Wright, W. B., Richey, J. E., andWilson, G. V. —The Tertiary and Post-Tertiary Geology of Mull, etc. Memoir Geological Survey, Great Britain.
3. 1928.Tyrell, G. W. —The Geology of Arran. Memoir Geological Survey. Great Britain. (Incorporating earlier results ofGunn W. andPeach B. N..
4. 1930.Richey, J. E., andThomas, H. H. —The Geology of Ardnamurchan, etc. Memoir Geological Survey. Great Britain.
5. 1932. —— —Tertiary Ring Structures in Britain.Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. xix, part i, pp. 42–140.