1. H. Poincaré,Theorie mathematique de la lumiere, vol. 2, G. Carre, Paris, 275 (1892).
2. W. Shurcliff,Polarized Light [Russian translation], Mir., Moscow (1965), p. 264, W. A. Shurcliff,Polarized light, Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge Massach. (1962), p. 207.
3. W. A. Shurcliff and S. S. Ballard,Polarized light, Princeton, NY, Van Norstrand (1964).
4. M. M. Gorshkov,Ellipsometry [in Russian], Sovet-skoe Radio, Moscow (1974), p. 199.
5. R. Azzam and N. Bashara,Ellipsometry and Polarized light, Oxford: North-Holland Publ. Comp., Amsterdam—NY, (1977).