1. Rossi, B. B. and H. H. Staub, Ionization Chambers and Counters, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York 1949, pp. 73–74 and 77.
2. Rose, M. E. and S. A. Korff, Phys. Rev.59 (1941) 850.
3. Curran, S. C. and J. D. Craggs, Counting Tubes, Academic Press, Inc., New York 1949, pp. 32–33.
4. Diethorn, W., A Methane Proportional Counter System for Natural Radiocarbon Measurements, NYO-6628, March 16, 1956.
5. Korff, S. A., Electron and Nuclear Counters, 2nd Edition, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York 1955, p. 61.