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3. L. N. Dashevskii, S. B. Pogrebinskii, and E. A. Shkabara, The KIEV Computer (Design and Operation) [in Russian], Tekhnika, Kiev (1964).
4. V. M. Glushkov, S. B. Pogrebinskii, Z. L. Rabinovich, and A. A. Stognii, ?Development of digital computer structures in connection with their software systems,? Kibernetika, No. 5, 15?28 (1967).
5. S. B. Pogrebinskii, ?Efficiency of the problem orientation in MIR series computers,? in: Software for MIR Series Computers [in Russian], Inst. Kibern. Akad. Nauk Ukr. SSR, Kiev (1974), pp. 3?26.