1. Bos, L., 1967. Methods of studying plants as virus hosts. In: Maramorosch, K. & Koprowski, H. (Eds), Methods in virology I. Acad. Press, New York and London: 129–162.
2. Bos, L., 1976a. Problems and prospects in plant virus identification. EPPO Bull. 6: in press.
3. Bos, L., 1976b. Research on plant virus diseases in developing countries; possible ways of improvement. In manuscript.
4. Bos, L. & Roosje, G. S., 1974. Van planteziektenbestrijding naar gewasbescherming, een bezinning naar aanleiding van 25 jaar IPO-onderzoek. (With English summary: From disease and pest control to crop protection; a reflexion on the occasion of 25 years IPO research) Meded. Inst. Plantenziektenk. Onderz. Wageningen. 666: 123 pp.
5. Martyn, E. B. (Ed.), 1968. Plant virus names; an annotated list of names and synonyms of plant viruses and virus diseases. CMI Phytopath. Pap. 9: 204 pp.