1. Shantideva,A Guide to the Bodhisattvas Way of Life, S. Batchelor, trans. Dharamsala, India, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1979, p. 31.
2. Gyatso, G.; Landaw, J.; and KoIb, C., eds.,Clear Light of Bliss, T. Phunrabpa, trans. Cumbria, England, Wisdom Publications, 1982; Rinbochay, L., and Hopkins, J., trans. and eds.,Death, Intermediate State and Rebirth. Valois, New York, Gabriel/Snow Lion Publications, 1981.
3. op.cit., p. 55.
4. Ibid., p. 55.
5. For more information on bodhicitta and its practices, seeop.cit..; Gyatso, G.,Universal Compassion. London, Tharpa Publications, 1988.