1. Yu. V. Linnik, Method of Least Squares and Fundamentals of the Theory of Processing Observations [in Russian], Fizmatgiz, Moscow (1958).
2. A. S. Chebotarev, Method of Least Squares with the Fundmaentals of Probability Theory [in Russian], ONTI, Moscow (1936).
3. M. I. Idel'son, Method of Least Squares [in Russian], ONTI, Leningrad (1932).
4. B. M. Shchigolev, Mathematical Treatmentof Observations [in Russian], Fizmatgiz, Moscow (1960).
5. V. N. Zimovnov, Method lf Least Squares Applied to Measurements Accompanied by Constant Errors [in Russian], Gostekhizdat, Moscow (1960).