1. W. J. Miller, Oxidat. Combust. Rev.,3, No. 2, 97 (1968).
2. J. Peters, C. Vinckier, and A. van Tiggelen, Oxidat. Combust. Rev.,4, No. 1, 93 (1969).
3. H. F. Calkote, Combust. Flame,1, No. 4, 385 (1957).
4. J. Lawton and F. J. Weinberg, Electrical Aspects of Combustion, Clarendon Press, Oxford (1969).
5. N. I. Kidin and V. B. Librovich, Fiz. Goreniya Vzryva,10, No. 5, 696 (1974); Archiwum Procesow Spalania,5, No. 3, 261 (1974).