Practical learning opportunities and changes in teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs: Does the development of bachelor student teachers’ competence differ before and during COVID-19?


König JohannesORCID,Gerhard KristinaORCID,Jäger-Biela Daniela J.ORCID


AbstractThis article investigates changes in student teachers’ teacher self-efficacy beliefs (SEBs) as part of their competence development during their three-year bachelor’s program and how these changes can be explained through practical learning opportunities. Using two bachelor’s student teacher cohorts who studied during and prior to COVID-19, differences in the development of their competence are analyzed longitudinally over three time points. Unexpectedly, no increase in SEBs was observed; rather, a significant decline was identified, with little practical relevance for the cohort who had studied before and medium practical relevance for the cohort who studied during the pandemic. At the end of their bachelor’s program, students in the cohort who studied before the pandemic reported slightly higher levels of SEBs than those who had to study during the pandemic. A path model indicates that studying during the pandemic negatively impacted both practical learning opportunities and changes in student teachers’ SEBs, whereas practical learning opportunities positively impacted SEBs changes. The findings’ implications for practical learning opportunities in initial teacher education are discussed.


Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Universität zu Köln


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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