1. V. KRIVAN, in Nuclear Data in Science and Technology, Vol. II, IAEA, Vienna, 1973, p. 193.
2. V. KRIVAN, Proc. of the 7th Materials Research Symposium: Accuracy in Trace Analysis, October 7–11, 1974, NBS, Gaithersburg, Maryland (in the press).
3. H. BORMANN, H. NEUERT, W. SCOBEL, Tables and Graphs of Cross-Sections for (n,p), (n,α) and (n, 2n) Reactions in the Neutron Energy Region 1–37 Mev, in Handbook on Nuclear Activation Cross-Sections, IAEA, Vienna, 1974, p. 87.
4. Z. T. BÖDY, A Compilation of (n, 2n) Cross-Sections Measured at About 14 MeV for Nuclides 65. Z. T. BÖDY, J. CSIKAI, At. Energy Rev., 11 (1973) 153.