1. F. S. Badger, “High-Temperature Alloys: 1900–1958”, Journal of Metals, pp. 512–516, August, 1958.
2. C. T. Sims, “A Contemporary View of Nickel-Base Superalloys”, Journal of Metals, October, 1966.
3. C. Tarr, and J. Marshall, “Phase Relationships in High-Temperature Alloys”, Fall Meeting, AIME, Chicago, Illinois, October 30–November 3, 1966.
4. L. Brewer, High-Strength Materials, ed., by Victor F. Zackay, Chapter 2, John Wiley and Sons (New York), 1965.
5. C. T. Sims, “The Role of Refractory Metals in Austenitic Superalloys”, 6th Plansee Seminar, Reutte, Austria, June, 1968.