1. R. Schuhmann, Jr.: A Survey of the Thermodynamics of Copper Smelting. AIME Trans., 1950, vol. 188, pp. 873–884; Journal of Metals, June 1950.
2. R. Schuhmann, Jr. and P. J. Ensio: Thermodynamics of Iron Silicate Slags; Slags Saturated with Gamma Iron. AIME Trans., 1951, vol. 191, pp. 401–411; Journal of Metals, May 1951.
3. E. J. Michal and R. Schuhmann, Jr.: Thermodynamics of Iron Silicate Slags; Slags Saturated with Solid Silica. AIME Trans., 1952, vol. 194, pp. 723–728; Journal of Metals, July 1952.
4. R. Schuhmann, Jr., R. G. Powell, and E. J. Michal: Constitution of the FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2 System at Slag-Making Temperatures. AIME Trans., 1953, vol. 197, pp. 1097–1104; Journal of Metals, September 1953.
5. R. Schuhmann, Jr. and O. W. Moles: Sulfur Activities in Liquid Copper Sulfides. AIME Trans., 1951, vol. 191, pp. 235–241; Journal of Metals, March 1951.