1. L. N. Yurova et al., in symposium ?Neutron Physics? [in Russian], Moscow, Gosatomizdat (1961), p. 192.
2. L. N. Yurova, A. A. Polyakov, and A. A. Ignatov, ?Atomnaya Énergiya,?12, 151 (1962).
3. L. N. Yurova, A. B. Stepanov, and G. I. Alimov,ibid.?12, p. 331. (1962).
4. L. N. Yurova et al., Report No. 356 presented by the USSR to the Third International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1964.
5. L. N. Yurova, A. A. Polyakov, and A. A. Ignatov, in symposium, ?Some Problems of Engineering Physics,? Moscow, Gostomizdat (1962), p. 43.