1. Kuiper, J.: 1986, ?Monitoring of Fate and Effect of Oil in the Marine Environment?, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 7, 221?232 (this issue).
2. Kramer, C. J. M.: 1986, ?Monitoring of Abiotic Compartments for Trace Metals: Difficulties, Strategied and the Use of Surveys?, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 7, 169?187 (this issue).
3. Van Eck, G. T. M., Van't Sant, H. and Turkstra, E.: 1985, Voorstel referentiewaarden fysisch-chemische waterkwaliteitsparameters zoute wateren (proposal for reference values of physico-chemical quality parameters for the Netherlands' tidal waters), 122 pp.
4. Ministerie VROM: 1985, Herziening Planologische Kernbeslissing Waddenzee (revision of the national physical plan for the Waddensea). Tweede Kamer 1984?1985 18.220, Nos. 12 en 13.
5. Ministerie VROM: 1984, Nota Het beleid t.a.v. de Waddenzee (national policy note for the Wadden Sea). Tweede Kamer 1984?1985 17.990, No. 21.