1. J. Kondo, Physica126B, 377 (1984) and this conference
2. H. Grabert, S. Linkwitz, S. Dattagupta, U. Weiss, Europhysics Letters, in print
3. A. Magerl, A.J. Dianoux, H. Wipf, K. Neumayer, I.S. Anderson, Phys. Rev. Lett.56, 159 (1986)
4. O. Hartmann, E. Karlsson, B. Lindquist, E. Wåckelgård, R. Wäppling, D. Richter, R. Hempelmann, T.O. Niinikoski, to be published and at this conference
5. J.H. Brewer, M. Celio, D.R. Harshman, R. Keitel, S.R. Kreitzmann, G.M. Luke, D.R. Noakes, R.E. Turner, E.J. Ansaldo, C.W. Clawson, K.M. Crowe, S. Kohn, S.R. Rosenblum, J. Smith, C.Y. Huang, this conference