1. ?Light-Water-Reactor Safety,? Quarterly Progress Report on Reactor Safety Programs Sponsored by the NRC Division of Reactor Safety Research, I, ORNL-TM-4914 (January?March 1975), Vol. I, Chap. 4.
2. ?Light-Water-Reactor Safety,? Quarterly Progress Report on Reactor Safety Programs Sponsored by the NRC Division of Reactor Safety Research, I, ORNL-TM-5148 (July?September 1975).
3. J. V. Cathcartet al., ?Zirconium Metal-Water Oxidation Kinetics, I. Thermometry,? ORNL-5102.
4. ?Light-Water-Reactor Safety,? Quarterly Progress Report on Reactor Safety Programs Sponsored by the NRC Division of Reactor Safety Research, I, ORNL-TM-4805 (October?December 1974), p. 92.
5. A. W. Lemmon, Jr., ?Studies Relating to the Reaction between Zirconium and Water at High Temperatures,? Report No. BMI-1154 (TID-4500, 12 Ed.) (January 1957), pp. C-24?27.