1. RTM 26-01-62-73. A Method of Technological Calculations of the Filtering Suspended Centrifuges with Nonmechanized Unloading of the Residue.
2. RD RTM 26-01-116-79. Filtering and Depositing Horizontal Centrifuges with Knife Unloading of the Residue. Technological Calculation Method.
3. V. G. Zhukov, ?Centrifugal washing of the residue collected on the filtering layer,? Teor. Osnovy Khim. Tekhnol.,18, No. 2, 207?212 (1984).
4. D. E. Shkoropad and O. P. Novikov, Centrifuges and Separators for Chemical Production [in Russian], Mashinostroenie, Moscow (1987), p. 256.
5. G. B. Veksler, ?Hydrodynamics of the process of washing the residue and filtering centrifuges,? Khim. Meft. Mashinostr., No. 3, 1?3 (1987).