1. Akbar, A. (2016, January 7). The noise of time by Julian Barnes, book review: Author misses a beat. The Independent. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/reviews/noise-time-julian-barnes-book-review-author-misses-beat-a6801251.html
2. Allardice, L. (2019, October 26). Interview Julian Barnes: “Do you expect Europe to cut us a good deal? It’s so childish”. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/oct/26/julian-barnes-europe-deal-interview-man-red-coat
3. Barnes, J. ([1984] 2009). Flaubert’s parrot. Vintage Books.
4. Barnes, J. (2016). The noise of time. Jonathan Cape.
5. Barnes, J. (2019). The man in the red coat. Jonathan Cape.