1. Bynum, D., Jr., Ledbetter, W. B., Boyd, C. L. and Ray, D. R., “Compression Properties of Equine Third Metacarpal Bone,” paper presented at the annual meeting of Soc. of Engrg. Sci., St. Louis, Mo. (Nov. 1969).
2. Boyd, C. L., Bynum, D., Jr., Ledbetter, W. B. and Ray, D. R., “Bone Properties and Fracture Propagation,” Proc. 15th Ann. Conv., Am. Assoc. Equine Practitioners, 85–97 (Dec. 1, 1969).
3. Bynum, D., Jr., “Bone Splices and Fracture Phenomenon,” presentation given to SESA Gulf Coast Section, Houston, Texas (Dec. 11, 1969).
4. Bynum, D., Jr., Ray, D. R., Boyd, C. L. and Ledbetter, W. B., “Capacity of Installed Commercial Bone Fixation Plates,” Am. Jnl. Vet. Res. (in press).
5. Bynum, D., Jr., Ray, D. R., Ledbetter, W. B. and Boyd, C. L., “Torsional Properties of Equine Metacarpus,”
Jnl. Matls.,6 (1) (Mar. 1971).