1. Chen Shuxiang 陈树祥. 2015. “Gu dai kuang ye gong ren de zu ji—Hubei Daye Tonglüshan Sifangtang yi zhi mu zang qu 古代矿冶工人的足迹——湖北大冶铜绿山四方塘遗址墓葬区 (The Sifangtang cemetery of the Tonglüshan site in Daye City, Hubei Province, reveals the footprints of ancient miners).” Zhongguo wen wu bao 中国文物报 2016–05-20: 6.
2. Chen Xiaoshan 陈小三. 2015. “Pingdingshan Ying guo mu di xin jian tong he yu Wu Yue di qu xi Zhou tong qi duan dai 平顶山应国墓地新见铜盉与吴越地区西周铜器断代 (the bronze he-pitcher newly seen in the cemetery of the Ying state in Pingdingshan City and the chronology of the western Zhou bronzes of the Wu-Yue region).” Kao gu 考古 2015.5: 93–102.
3. Chen Youcheng 陈宥成 and Qu Tongli 曲彤丽. 2015. “‘Lewalouwa’ ji shu yuan liu guan kui ‘勒瓦娄哇技术’源流管窥 (on the origin and development of ‘Levallois technology’).” Kao gu 2015.2: 71–78.
4. Da Sima. 2015. Sichuan da xue kao gu xue xi 四川大学考古学系 and Henan sheng wen wu ju nan shui bei diao wen wu baohu ban gong shi 河南省文物局南水北调文物保护办公室 (2015). “Henan Weihui shi Dasima cun Sui-Tang Qifu Linghe fu fu mu 河南卫辉市大司马村隋唐乞扶令和夫妇墓 (The tomb of the couple Qifu Linghe and his wife of the Sui and Tang Dynasties at Da Sima Village in Weihui City, Henan).” Kao gu 2015.2: 32–70.
5. Dong Xinlin. 2015. “Bei fang di qu Meng yuan mu zang chu tan 北方地区蒙元墓葬初探 (a preliminary research on the tombs of the Mongol period and the yuan dynasty in northern China).” Kao gu 2015.9: 114–120.