1. Schoetz DJ: Diverticular disease of the colon: a century-old problem. Dis Colon Rectum 1999, 42 (6):703–709.
2. Welch CE, Allen AW, Donaldson GA: An appraisal of resection of the colon for diverticulitis of the sigmoid. Ann Surg 1953, 138:332–343.
3. Ozick LA, Salazar CO, Donelson SS: Pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of diverticular disease of the colon. Gastroenterologist 1994, 2(4):299–310. Well-written, basic review paper covering the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment (both medical and surgical) of all aspects of diverticular disease. Extensive bibliography.
4. Painter NS, Burkitt DP: Diverticular disease of the colon, a 20th century problem. Clin Gastroenterol 1975, 4:53–69. Good historical perspective.
5. Painter NS: Diverticular disease of the colon: the first of the western diseases shown to be due to a deficiency of dietary fiber. S Afr Med J 1982, 61:1016–1020.