1. Budd G: On Diseases of the Liver. London: John Churchill; 1845:146. Of significant historical interest.
2. Chiari H: Ueber die selbstandige phlebitis obliterans der hauptstamme der venae hepaticae als todesursache. Beitr Z Pathol Anat 1899, 26:1–18. Of significant historical interest.
3. WangZG, Jones RS: Budd-Chiari syndrome. Curr Probl Surg 1996, 33:83–211. An exhaustive review of the etiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic evaluation of patients with Budd-Chiari syndrome. Surgical approaches to hepatic outflow obstruction are covered in detail.
4. Boughton BJ: Hepatic and portal vein-thrombosis. BMJ 1991, 302:192–193.
5. Valla D, Casadevall N, Lacombe C, et al.: Primary myeloproliferative disorder and hepatic vein thrombosis. A prospective study of erythroid colony formation in vitro in 20 patients with Budd-Chiari syndrome. Ann Intern Med 1985, 103:329–334.