1. Charles River Associates, 1984, “Fine Powders and Particulates,” Boston, Mass: Charles River Associates.
2. P. Domalavage, N.J. Grant and Y. Gefen, Metall. Trans. A, 1983, Vol. 14A, pp. 1599–1606.
3. V. Anand, A.J. Kaufman and N.J. Grant in “Rapid Solidification Processing-Principles and Technologies,” R. Mehrabian, B. Kear and M. Cohen, eds., Claitor’s Publishing Division, Baton Rouge, LA, 1980, pp. 273–286.
4. J. Megusar, E. Lavernia, P. Domalavage, O.K. Harling and N.J. Grant, Nuclear Mat, 1984, Vols. 122, 123, pp. 789–793.
5. S. Kang and N.J. Grant, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Rapid Solidification Processing, R. Mehrabian ed., National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, 1982, pp. 209–214.