1. J. Lindhard, M. Scharff and H.E. Schiott, Kgl. Dan. Vid. Selsk. Mat. Fys. Medd. 33(1963)14.
2. D.A. Thompson, Rad. Eff. 56(1981)105.
3. See, e.g. H. de Waard, in:Mössbauer Spectroscopy and its Applications (IAEA Panel Proceedings Series, Vienna, 1972) p. 129.
4. W. Hume-Rothery, R.E. Smallman and C.W. Haworth,Structure of Metals and Alloys (Institute of Metals, London, 1969).
5. D.K. Sood, Phys. Lett. 68A(1978)469.