1. Alberta Environment: 1980, ?Guidelines for Plume Dispersion Calculations?, Alberta Environment Publication, 112 pp.
2. Angle, R. and Gourlay, P.: 1982, ?Dispersion Climatology of the Moose Mountain Area?, Alberta Environment Publication, 105 pp.
3. BarrS., KyleT. G., ClementsW. E. and SedlacekW.: 1983, ?Plume Dispersion in a Nocturnal Drainage Wind?, Atmos. Env. 17, (8), 1423?1429.
4. Baskett, R.: 1982, Atmospheric Tracer Studies Conducted for the Mount Emmons Project, Gunnison County, Colorado, Camp Dresser and McKee Inc. Report prepared for AMAX.
5. Bercha, F. G.: 1983, Risk Analysis of Shell Proposed Moose Mountain Pipelines and Related Facilities, Report prepared for Shell Canada Resources Ltd.