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2. I. G. Fuks, Lubricating Greases [in Russian], Khimiya, Moscow (1972), p. 38.
3. V. V. Samgina, I. G. Fuks, and M. B. Bakaleinikov, Khim. Tekhnol. Topl. Masel, No. 6, 62 (1973).
4. I. G. Fuks and V. V. Vainshtok, Sealing and Lubricating Materials [in Russian], TsNIITÉneftekhim, Moscow (1968), pp. 37?40.
5. D. S. Velikovskii et al., Lubricating Greases [in Russian], Khimiya, Moscow (1966), pp. 71, 85.