1. The Main Directions of the Development of the National Economy of the USSR in 1976?1980. Materials of the Twenty-Fifth Congress of the CPSU, Politizdat, Moscow (1976), p. 109.
2. A. M. Petros'yants et al., At. Energ.,31, No. 4, 333 (1971).
3. S. A. Skvortsov, Development of Water-Cooled?Water-Moderated Reactors for Power Generation in the USSR. A Paper at a COMECON Symposium on the State of the Art and Prospects for the Development of Atomic Power Plants with Water-Cooled?Water-Moderated Reactors, Moscow (1968).
4. A. I. Leipunskii et al., At. Energ.,31, No. 4, 383 (1971).
5. A. Moncasolli-Tosi, in: Proc. IAEA Symp., ?Reactor burn-up physics,? Vienna, July 12?16 (1971), p. 197.